Be Your Best Self Blog

I Just Have to Ask...

Episode Summary

As you think about your hopes and dreams, gain a new perspective on how to act today.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

Welcome to the Be Your Best Self Blog by Marsha Abbott.


"I Just Have to Ask..."


I just have to ask…


“What do you absolutely need to get done today?”


Do you know this answer?  If you aren’t sure then let me help you find your answer…


Growing up, our oldest daughter has always loved dance.  From a very young age she has loved to be in dances, to make up dances, and to practice her dance moves around the house every chance she gets.  There was rarely a time where you wouldn’t see her doing a “spin” or a “pirouette”. (Like I really even know what that means!)


Dance was her life.  Dance has always been her passion.  Dance will always be what motivates her the most. So at a very young age, she would always share with us her dream of owning and running her very own dance studio.  She wanted to share this gift with as many young children as she could in hopes to inspire them with the same passion and drive that dance has always given her.


As our daughter graduated high school and then made her way into college, she made very calculated decisions about her future.  She did that one thing that most of us just never seem to get done.  That one thing which most of us put off and tend to procrastinate on.  She focused every choice in her life around her one dream, around her one goal – to own and run a dance studio.


Our sweet girl knew exactly what she needed to get done today and every single day going forward in order to achieve this dream.  And her decisions, at such a young age, always bring me back to one very important thought that I want to share with you today.  It’s just a few simple words, but these simple words really can teach us all so much about our own life…


A year from now, you may have wished you started today.  Be sure to start today!


So, I just have to ask…


What is your goal for your life?  What is that one ultimate dream you have always had?  Are you choosing every single day to take action and to work towards that dream?  Or do you tuck that important goal aside, and choose to do nothing to accomplish it?  Do you choose to delay it every chance you get?  And if so, could that be because you are too scared to put yourself out there to see what could happen next?


If so, then let’s learn from my brave daughter who wasn’t afraid to go after her dreams and her goals.  The girl who took that leap of faith and opened the doors to her very own studio over three years ago.  And who every day since then gets to live the life she has always wanted.  


And by her doing this, she has taught me a thing or two that I hope you can also learn from.  She taught me that life is too short to not go after those things we really want.  She has helped me understand that life is so much better if we listen to our hearts and let it lead the way.  And most importantly, she showed me that by being brave enough to put yourself out there, not only can we lead a life with no regrets, but we can also lead a life that once upon a time only existed in our dreams.


So, as you think about your goals, as you think about your dreams, I just have to ask…


“What is it that you absolutely need to get done today?” 


Because when it comes to getting that chance to live the life we have always wanted, the life we have always dreamed of, I don’t see any reason why we should delay it any longer. 



*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at  Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!