Be Your Best Self Blog

It's a Dangerous Path

Episode Summary

As money becomes an important part of life, gain a new perspective on how to choose love over power.

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Welcome to the Be Your Best Self Blog by Marsha Abbott

"It's a Dangerous Path"


To Our Precious Money $$$


Oh, how we love you!  Oh, how we need you!  Oh, how we want you!  In fact, life seems easier the more of you that we have.  You are so important in our life.  You are even necessary for some of our simple pleasures, like a warm home on a snowy day or food to keep our children’s bellies full.  You have become so significant in our life, and the older we get, the more we have come to understand that.  


But as we get older, there is something else that we have come to understand. And it is something you too must know.  You see, as time goes by, we tend to accumulate more and more of you, and it can sure feel good.  But sometimes…just sometimes…it leads us down a dangerous path that is so incredibly hard to come back from.  


So what exactly is this path you often influence so many to take?  What dangerous path do we need to avoid when welcoming you into our life?  


It’s a path where the focal point of our life is now about US and nobody else.  It’s where we suddenly put ourselves and our needs above all others.  It’s a road where good decisions and ethical choices no longer matter because our first priority is to keep as much of you as we can and continue to make more of you as often as possible.  It’s a trip through life where all else seems to come second including our spouses, our family, and our religion.  It turns into an addiction where we start to think we are powerful and worthwhile simply because we have the means that many others do not.


This dangerous journey you take us on will also make us feel irrationally superior to all of those struggling around us.  We will see those in need, with their hand reaching out, and choose to just walk on by without a second glance.  We will believe that because we are successful, then everybody else should be able to prosper too…just by working hard enough. And we end up forgetting one very important thing…the amazing opportunities we have been given in life that others have not been so fortunate to have.


Oh Money, you really do tend to put a spell on us.  It can become such an all-consuming feeling.  Our desires even seem to change when we put all of our faith in you.  We suddenly realize we want more…we needmore…we deserve more…for ourselves.  We then decide that we want all the power that you can buy us.  We ultimately choose greed as our lifestyle and end up choosing you, Money, as our guiding principal…as our God. And no longer do the needs of anyone else around us matter anymore.


It’s a dangerous path.  It’s a scary road.  But it’s a journey that we are choosing right now and from this moment forward to refuse to ever take with you. 


This won’t be our path in our life and here is why…


We are choosing a different route because we are going to work hard every day to care more about the needs of others than our own.  We are choosing to never put you above our spouses, our family, or our religion because while you are needed to enjoy life, you will never be the true joy of our life.  


We are also going to choose to stop on our busy journey, to look around and see those struggling around us. And as those people hold out their hands for help, we are going to be there to support them during their hour of need.


And when those around us are not as successful as we are, we aren’t going to choose to feel superior. Instead, we are going to feel blessed and grateful that life has been so incredibly kind to us.  And we are going to remember just how lucky we really are.


So Money, while you do put a spell on us, we are choosing in this moment to break that spell.  We are going to break it by choosing love over power.  We are going to do better by learning to give instead of receive.  And we will work hard every single day to always choose the good of others over ourselves.


Because yes, we do love you…we do need you…and, Money, we really do want you as you are important to live our life.  But we just need you to know that we are never going to go down that dangerous path with you. And it’s pretty simple why:   Because you will never be our everything…you will never be our guiding principle in life…and you will never…no matter what… be our God.


*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at  Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!