Be Your Best Self Blog

Need a Day?

Episode Summary

When a hard day hits, gain a new perspective on what to do next.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

Welcome to the Be Your Best Self Blog by Marsha Abbott.


"Need a Day?"


Need a day?  Me too…


Somedays when we wake up and start our morning routine, it seems that nothing goes the way it should...the way it normally does.  Maybe it’s a flat tire, or an overflowing toilet, or a broken furnace.  And sometimes it’s some difficult news, a frustrating employee, or even a bad boss.  And other days, it could just be a rainy, sad day.


Whatever the case, we all go through days like this.  And when these moments hit, we have a choice on what we are going to do about it.  Are we going to take that negative energy and turn it into an even worse day?  Or are we going to look at all of the positives that surrounds us and try to make this bad day just a little bit better?


I bet you are sure of the answer I am going to give you!  I mean come on; I am an inspirational blogger for goodness’s sake!  So of course, I want to take a bad day, keep moving forward, keep powering through, and figure out a way to make it better.  I can see exactly why you expect this answer from me!  So, I am certain that these next words coming out of my mouth are going to shock you.  Because this isn’t going to be my answer this time around.  Let’s be real with each other and admit that bad days just aren’t always that simple to fix.  And so I believe, in times like this, we have an entirely different way that we can handle it.  And it’s pretty simple…


I believe sometimes we should just say “Screw It”!  And instead let’s choose to take a mental break for ourselves with no guilt, with no regret, and with no shame. 


So let me ask -- Do you need a day?  Do you need to just crawl back into bed and forget life for a short time?  Do you want to binge watch your favorite show to take your mind off of the negative things that are currently surrounding you?  Do you need a reset because for whatever reason, today just isn’t your day?  


If so, and if you just can’t face walking through the motions, then just say “Screw It”!  And take that mental reset we all need every once in a while.


Society has taught us that we must keeping pushing forward.  We must stay busy, keep moving, and be everything for everyone.  But sometimes, our mind is telling us differently, and there should never be any shame in that.  So, listen to your body and chose to do what needs to be done every now and then…no matter what anybody else thinks.


If you can be brave enough to do this, to take a day for yourself when it’s needed, I can only imagine how much better your tomorrow will be!  And losing one day, to gain many future days of happiness is well worth it in my mind!


So guess what I am going to do?  I am going to take a day!  And actually, I am going to take it right now!  I need it, and my brain needs this reset.  So instead of pushing forward, instead of powering through, I am going to just say “Screw It”!  And I am going to end this week’s blog post right now.  


Because frankly, I am not in the mood, and I really do need a day.


So, do you need a day too?  If so, then do this with me -- without guilt and without shame.  Because the real truth in all of this is that we all deserve a break in life.  Well, at least every now and then…


See you next week!


*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at  Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!