Be Your Best Self Blog


Episode Summary

With our world being more diverse than ever before, it's time to gain a new perspective and get back to loving everyone.

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Episode Transcription

Welcome to the Be Your Best Self Blog by Marsha Abbott. Today's title, "One."

Music…it’s so good for the soul. It has a way of energizing us or even relaxing us.  Music is so powerful that it can even take us back to a time that we completely forgot about.  It has a way of also reminding us of the ones we lost in our life. 


To me, music is a gift to this world, and it’s an incredible talent to be able to write & sing a song that so many can relate to. And no matter what the artists’ intent or meaning behind the song, we can so easily relate it to our life the way that we need it to, the way it is meant to impact us. It even has a way of speaking to us…of teaching us some important values in life.


So, it’s probably an easy assumption to guess that I LOVE music.  It’s a huge part of our family’s world.  While none of us are musically inclined, that doesn’t stop us from appreciating the beauty that a melody can bring to our life.


And as my younger daughter and I are driving to Hobby Lobby one day, of course, I decided to start blasting the music in the car.  We are singing out loud (probably not well) and doing a sit down, kind of, car dance move (which is a tricky one by the way).  Then a song comes on that, while I don’t know the true meaning behind it, it has a significant meaning to me. It has a way of speaking to my heart. And as I reach over to turn up the volume to hear those beautiful words vibrate through the car speaker, my daughter and I start singing together this next part…


We are one, but we are not the same.  We have to carry each other, carry each other.  One!.”  It is the song One, by the band U2.   So what message is Bono trying to portray to the world with this song?  That I can’t answer, but every time I hear it, this song…it teaches me something very important…something so significant yet something that has unfortunately been lost in our world today…an understanding that we are one human race.


We are One and while we are not the same, we need to love each other, respect each other, be there for each other, and carry each other.  Always.  No matter what race, gender, culture, religion, age, ethnicity, sexuality, or disability.  For Everyone.  No Exceptions.


As I look around the world today, I see so much diversity, and so many people being brave enough to be who they want and are meant to be.  And thank goodness for that!  How boring would our world be if we were all the same?  


We were never meant to be the same.


And yet with this diversity, I see more hatred, hurt, and pain than ever before.  People are uncomfortable with it, so they show anger.  People don’t understand diversity, so they make fun of it.  People don’t want to accept it, so they react with violence. 


How did we get here?  How did we get to this point of choosing hatred over love?  Of choosing violence over acceptance?  And more importantly, how do we reverse the course that we are on?


For me, it starts with getting rid of the word “normal” from our language.  Of changing our perception of what that word means. There is no normal…unless, of course, we are all considered normal. I dislike this much.  Normal doesn’t exist…it never did.  We are all meant to be unique…in our own way. 


And after we take “normal” out of our life, this next part is even more important… we can’t reverse this course if we don’t teach our children and all younger generations to love, to accept, and to appreciate. To teach them that we are all part of one human race, and we need to always choose kindness over anger and acceptance over violence. For Everyone. And Always. With No Exceptions.  


It’s time. We need to reverse the course this world is on, and it’s up to you. 


And as the song is starting to end, my favorite verse says, “One love, One blood, One life, you got to do what you should. One life, with each other. Sisters, brothers.”


For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, please email me at  

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Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!