Be Your Best Self Blog

The Beast

Episode Summary

When the going gets tough, gain a new perspective on what to do next.

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Episode Transcription

Welcome to the Be Your Best Self Blog by Marsha Abbott.


"The Beast"


There is a Beast that lives inside of you.  So, let me ask…will you keep it “in” or will you let it “out”?


As I have been getting older, I have realized something that is difficult to admit.  Life.Is.HardAdulting.Is.Hard.  And it keeps getting more problematic the more time that goes by.  Having people you love with health problems…Seeing loved ones pass away…Having conflicts with others in life…Dealing with drama that gets exhausting…


These are all very real and very hard problems to deal with in everyday life.  And it reminds me of the saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”  So today, I am going to ask you to ponder…”Do you get going?” What do you do in times like this?  How do you handle it?  


Let me give you some things to think about…


When you are struggling because of a new health condition that is affecting you, what do you do to overcome it?  When a person you love passes away unexpectedly, how do you react to it?  When a coworker, boss, or friend gets angry at you, how do you address it?  And if drama from a person in your life is too much to bear, what is your response? 


From my point of view, you only have two paths to choose from in moments like this.  You can choose “Fight” or you can choose “Flight”.  Are you “in” or are you “out”?  Which one will you pick?


If you are like me, then often times you probably choose “Flight”… you are “out”.  You want to run away.  You want to avoid everything at all costs.  You might choose to crawl into your turtle shell and forget the conflict or the hard times that are staring you in the face.  Because often that is easier than dealing with your reality.  And frankly, in my opinion, it’s okay to feel this way.  In fact, it’s more than okay.  Because that really is the first instinct most of us will have.


But I am here today to challenge you.  Actually, I am here to challenge myself too.  I want us to think of this in a different way.  Because there is something else that I learned as I have been getting older…


I have learned that whether we are willing to admit it or not…there is a Beast inside of all of us.  It lives and it’s real.  And this beast is what sometimes is needed to help us through the hard parts of life.


So, if you tend to choose “Flight” over “Fight”, let’s learn together what bringing this beast out could teach all of us.   This beast doesn’t have to be mean, and it certainly doesn’t need to be cruel.  But it can instead mean that we are taking responsibility for what life throws our way.  And it can also mean that we aren’t going to lay down and let life get the best of us.


Instead, this incredible beast that lives inside can teach us a few things.  It can teach us that we do have the ability to fight hard against any health obstacle that comes our way.  It can help us to learn that through any difficult losses of loved ones, we do have the strength to pick ourselves up and figure out a way forward.  And when it comes to undue conflicts and drama in our lives, it can lead us down a path of addressing these issues head on, figuring out an important resolution that is needed, and moving forward in the best possibly way we know how.


That is how powerful the Beast is…that exists inside of each and every one of us.


So…when the going gets tough, let me ask you…”How will you get going?”  Will you crawl in a turtle shell and forget everything that is staring you in the face?  Or will you choose to finally let that Beast out?  Because I believe that if we let it out, if we face these problems head on, this adulting thing…maybe it doesn’t have to be so hard.  


So let me ask you again…


When the going gets tough…will you choose to keep the Beast “in” or will you finally choose to let it come “out”?



*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at  Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!