Be Your Best Self Blog

What About You?

Episode Summary

With the winter blues approaching, gain a new perspective on how to push through.

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Welcome to the Be Your Best Self Blog by Marsha Abbott.


"What About You?"


January.  Winter.  Cold weather.  Darker days.  Post-holiday blues.  Most of these days lately, I don’t even feel like getting out of bed.  


What about you?


We are at that time of year again.  We are officially into January territory.  And with it brings the most depressing time of year…literally!


So right now, it’s hard to be happy.  It’s difficult to feel energized.  And it’s disappointing to think that summer still seems to be an eternity away.  So what do we do?  How are we going to choose to get out of bed each day?  What do we need in order to change this January and make it better than any others before?


I believe I have the answer, but what about you?  Do you know?  Because if you don’t then I just have to tell you that I believe everything you need is already inside of you.  So now is the time to find out what that is, and then let’s use it to make this January the best one yet!


It all started one day when I had a friend tell me about how we all have two very best days in our life.  One of those days was the day we were born.  Have you been told what that day was like?  For me, it’s a story I heard over and over again growing up.  Being the middle child and having an older sister, I can tell you the one very important, yet simple thing my parents wanted when my mom gave birth to me.  They just wanted a boy!  It was an easy request!  Or so they thought…


So when my mother pushed out all 8lbs 2oz of me, and they saw with their very own eyes that I was a girl, my mother cried….and it wasn’t tears of joy.  Now most likely it was those crazy pregnancy hormones talking, but she looked at my dad and sobbed saying how bad she felt that she couldn’t give him that son he always wanted.  And my father, with plenty of practice dealing with those crazy emotions, knew exactly what to do.  So, he simply looked at my mom and said the following…


This will always be our special little girl.  We were wanting a boy, but we got her for a reason, so she will always be special to us.”


And for everyone in my small, little world…this day was truly a very important one.  Just like the day you also entered into this world! That too was significant!


But the second-best day of our lives that I am about to share with you is the most important one.  And it’s this part of your life that will lead you to the answer you need to help you shake those winter blues.  So when this friend shared his wisdom with me, he simply said this…


“There are two very best days in your life…the day you were born and then more importantly the day you learned why.”


So every year, when winter hits and when it is difficult to get out of bed, you need to look deep inside and remind yourself why you were put here in this world.  What we often forget is that Every.Single.One.Of.Ushas a reason for being here.  We all have a purpose! And often, we forget that every time we go about our life…in some way, shape, or form…we are impacting and touching the lives of more people than we could ever imagine. 


You really are making a difference in this world just by being YOU!  And everything you need to make an impact is already inside of you!  But for me, that is so much easier to forget when I am dealing with these winter blues. 


What about you?


Because as January brings colder weather and that post-holiday sadness, most days I just don’t feel like getting out of bed.  But then I realized that in order to make this time of year better than all of the others before, I have to remember my reason…my why…for being a part of this world.  I have to remember that I am making a difference in the lives of those around me.


So what about you?   What is your purpose? What is your reason? What is your why?  Because you must always remember that you have everything you need inside of you already to impact the world that you live in.  And that difference you are making is the very thing that can help you get up and can help you get through these darker winter days ahead…


*For those of you struggling with something in life or have a topic of interest that you want me to talk about in this blog, email me at  Let’s work together to Be Our Best Selves!